Configuration section
The Configuration section, found as a link in the upper right corner of the Home section, contains the following pages:
Doors page
- Displays the system Doors. Allows you to create, modify, and delete Doors.
Schedules page
- Displays the system Schedules. Allows you to create, modify, and delete Schedules and Holidays.
Groups page
- Displays all Groups in the system. Allows you to create, modify, and delete Groups.
Peripherals page
- Displays third-party devices added to the system. Allows you to create, modify and delete Peripherals.
Customize page
- Displays custom fields for People. Allows you to create, modify and delete custom fields.
Tabs for pages
Optional Views and Actions
Page information
Paging controls
Page Content Area
Click for Home section
Search text box
All pages in the system, except for the Login Page, share a similar layout. Each page contains a Content Area which is the white
portion of the user interface, tabs to select the page you want to view, and View and Actions menus specific to the page type.
Content Areas have a paging feature for People, Groups, Doors, etc, which will display additional content on subsequent pages.
Content Areas that use paging will have paging icons in the lower left portion of the Content Area. Click on the paging icons to move
forward or backward through pages, or directly enter the page number to view.