Operator’s Manual
0052210 rev. 006
CheCk the instrument’s dePth
At this point, if convenient, you can connect the Level TROLL to a
PC, launch the software, and take a reading. If the instrument is at
the desired depth, secure it in position as suggested below. If not,
reposition the Level TROLL as necessary.
If you requested the software to “Remind me later” to set a Level
Reference, enter the level reference after installation when
SeCure the CabLe
The RuggedCable has a handy device called a Kellems
grip near
the surface end. You can slide it along the cable to the desired
position by compressing it. When you pull on it, it tightens and
stops sliding. You may need to pull on both ends of the Kellems
grip to properly tighten it and keep it from slipping.
Use the loop of the Kellems grip to anchor the cable to a
convenient stationary object. It works well with In-Situ’s
installation ring. Simply insert the loop into the locking clip on the
well dock, and position the assembly on the top of a well.
InStaLLatIon tIpS
Never let a probe “free fall” down a well. The resulting shock
wave when it hits the water surface can damage the strain
gauge (the “waterhammer” effect).
It is always wise to check the level of water above the probe,
then move it and read again to be sure that the probe is
giving a reasonable reading and showing change. It might not
seCtion 6: FieLd instaLLation
Kellems grip