Operator’s Manual
0052210 rev. 006
1. First, choose the type of compensation/correction that you wish to use.
2. Then, choose the absolute (non-vented) log file or files that you wish to
correct. Baro Merge displays these automatically.
3. Click OK and the barometric compensation is applied.
Your original log file is not changed. A new, corrected log file with the
same name and path is created. The original “.wsl” extension is replaced
by “-BaroMerge.wsl”.
For help on using Win-Situ Baro Merge, press F1 at any Baro Merge
For more detailed information on barometric compensation see the
technical notes on the In-Situ software/resource CD, or the Downloads
section of the In-Situ web site at www.In-Situ.com
seCtion 5: pressure/LeveL