Operator’s Manual
0052210 rev. 006
seCtion 5: pressure/LeveL
preSSure SenSor CaLIbratIon
FaCtory reCalibration
Pressure sensor accuracy can be adversely affected by improper care
and handling, lightning strikes and similar surges, exceeding operating
temperature and pressure limits, physical damage or abuse, as well as
normal drift in the device’s electronic components. Aside from damage
to the sensor, the need for factory recalibration is dependent upon the
amount of drift a customer is willing to tolerate. Factory calibration every
12-18 months is recommended. Contact In-Situ Customer Service for
information on the factory maintenance and calibration plan.
Field reCalibration
The following procedure may be used,
with caution,
to “zero” the offset of
a vented pressure sensor to correct for electronic drift. The drifted offset is
visible when the sensor is in air and reading other than zero.
It is recommended you
do not
zero the offset if it is outside the specified
accuracy of your pressure sensor, as shown in the table below. If the
reading in air deviates from zero by more than the amounts shown, you
may want to consider a factory recalibration.
Acceptable Offset
(-5°C to +50°C)
from zero
± 0.1% FS
± 0.005 PSI
15 PSI
± 0.1% FS
± 0.015 PSI
30 PSI
± 0.1% FS
± 0.03 PSI
100 PSI
± 0.1% FS
± 0.10 PSI
300 PSI
± 0.1% FS
± 0.30 PSI
500 PSI
± 0.1% FS
± 0.50 PSI
recalibration is
not available for
a BaroTROLL.