Sample Applications
These applications are the result of an informal survey conducted by the IMS
Applications Engineering Department to learn the most common LYNX /
MicroLYNX 1 and 1-1/2 axis applications. Each application example contains an
application diagram, a flowchart and program code.
F e e d C u t 1
This program feeds a web to length and switches an output to operate a tool such
as a cutter. The machine operator enters the feed length and batch count. The
operation begins when the START button is pressed, and ends when the batch is
complete or material runs out.
Feed Cut 1 applies to labeling, packaging, converting, etc.
S te p pin g
M o to r
M a te ria l
S e n s or
N ip R o lle rs
C u tte r
H u m a n
M a c hine
In te rfac e
(H M I)
M ic ro LYN X
LY N X C ontrol
M o dule + S tep
M o tor D riv er
Figure 12.1: Feed Cut Application
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