LYNX Software Components
L Y N X S o f t w a r e C o m p o n e n t s
The LYNX instruction set has 4 basic components. These are:
This section will cover the most commonly used Variables, Instructions,
Flags and Keywords. If your application requires more complex instructions,
the full instruction set is detailed in Part 3 of the LYNX Product Family
Operating Instructions on the CD. There is also a summary of the full
instruction set in Appendix A of this document.
V a r i a b l e s
Variables are registers which allow you to assign a name to a numeric
value. They may be used in conjunction with the math functions to
manipulate the data contained in them. There are two types
of variables:
F a c t o r y
These variables are pre-defined at the factory and cannot be
deleted. When an IP (
Initialize Parameters
) instruction is given,
these variables will be set to their factory default state. There
are two types of factory defined variables: Read/Writable and
Read Only.
U s e r
One of the powerful features of the LYNX instruction set is that it allows
the user to define variables both inside a program (local) or outside a pro-
gram (global). User-defined variables are deleted by means of the DVF
Delete Variables and Flags
) instruction. Defining user variables will be
covered in more depth in Section 11:
LYNX Programming Conventions
C o m m o n l y U s e d V a r i a b l e s
The following factory-defined variables constitute the most commonly used
in LYNX programs. A full listing of the factory-defined variables are avail-
able in the instruction set summary in Appendix A of this document. In the
case where a variable has been covered in depth earlier in this document,
A Variable is a component of
the LYNX instruction set that
allows you to store, read and
manipulate numeric data. They
can also be used to effect
events inside a program!
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