After the program is entered it can be downloaded to the MicroLYNX. If using
the LYNX Terminal program, this is as simple as clicking the menu item “Trans-
fer > Download”. Otherwise, the program can be copied and pasted from the
text editor to the terminal.
S t e p 4 : P r o g r a m E x e c u t i o n
When a program is executed, it will run in the sequence in which it is written.
There are basically four methods of program execution:
Program executes on power-up: This is done by labeling the
program “STARTUP”. Only one program in memory can
have this label.
Program executes by label: The label of the program can be
used as a keyword to execute that program by typing the
program label directly into the terminal in immediate mode.
Program executes by input: An input can be defined to start
a program, this is usually accomplished by using the GO
dedicated input function.
Program executes by address: This method requires the use
of the EXEC instruction. Typing “EXEC” followed by a
space and the address where the program begins will execute
the program.
S t e p 5 : P r o g r a m E d i t i n g / D e b u g g i n g
The final step in the LYNX program development process is to debug and tweak
the program to a state of perfection. Unless your program is no more advanced
than “turn the motor
distance and stop”, it will be a rare circumstance of a
program working perfectly the first time. This is true in any programming
language, be it BASIC, C++, Java or LYNX. There are several tools built into
the LYNX that assist the programmer in debugging. These are:
Error codes.
EXEC instruction modes:
EXEC <lbl/addr>,1: Trace mode, code printed to
screen as it is run.
EXEC <lbl/addr>,2: Single step mode, single steps
through program.
ONER: instruction accommodates the use of a subroutine to
capture an error location.
BREAK: Instruction allows the user to set break points
within a program.
These and other program debugging tools are explained in greater detail in
Appendix B:
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