U s i n g t h e L Y N X T e r m i n a l S o f t w a r e
The LYNX Terminal software is an easy to setup and use interface for
MicroLYNX programming. It is also required to upgrade the software in the
MicroLYNX. The LYNX Terminal program is fully covered in the LYNX Product
Family Operating Instructions. Its coverage in this document is limited to what is
required to communicate with the MicroLYNX, and to create, edit and download
MicroLYNX programs.
C o n f i g u r i n g C o m m u n i c a t i o n S e t t i n g s
The communications settings are configured by means of the “Preferences Dialog”.
This dialog is accessed through the “Edit > Preferences” menu item or by clicking
the “Preferences” icon on the toolbar. The preferences dialog gives the user the
ability to set the format for text size, font and color, as well as general communica-
tions settings. It is set by default to the optimum communications settings for the
MicroLYNX. If you change the BAUD rate setting for the MicroLYNX, power
will have to be cycled for the change to take effect. Ensure that the LYNX Termi-
nal preferences are adjusted for the new BAUD settings.
D o w n l o a d i n g a P r o g r a m t o t h e M i c r o L Y N X
There are two ways to download programs to the MicroLYNX:
1] Directly from the text editor window of the LYNX Terminal.
2] From a text file located on a hard drive or removeable disk.
To download a program from the text editor window click the menu item “Trans-
fer > Download”. The dialog shown in Figure 5.3 will open. Select the “Source
Type > Edit Window” option, click download. The program will transfer to the
Programs can be downloaded to the MicroLYNX from a text file by selecting
Figure 5.2: LYNX Terminal Communications Setup Window
Downloaded from
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