Q u a d r a t u r e
The quadrature clock function is the most
commonly used input clock function. This is
the default setting for each high-speed I/O
channel except 11 & 12. This clock function
will typically be used for closed loop control
(encoder feedback) or for following applica-
S t e p / D i r e c t i o n
The step/direction clock funtion would typi-
cally be used in an application where a second-
ary or tertiary clock output is required to
sequentially control an additional axis.
U p / D o w n
The up/down clock type would typically be
used as an output function where a secondary
axis is being driven by a stepper or servo drive
with dual-clock direction control circuitry.
C o n f i g u r i n g t h e D i f f e r e n t i a l I / O - T h e I O S V a r i a b l e
The high-speed differential I/O is configured by means of the IOS variable, and
is used in the the same fashion in which the isolated I/O is configured. The main
difference lies in that there are three additional parameters which need to be set
in configuring the triggering, clock type and ratio mode setting.
It is important to note that the high-speed differential I/O lines may be used for
the same input or output functions as the isolated digital I/O where the higher
speed capabilities of the differential I/O is required. However, for purposes of
this example we will only illustrate the clock functions associated with the high-
S tep C lock
Directio n
Ch an nel A
Ch an nel B
S te p C lo c k /D ire c tio n
Q u a d ra tu re
U p /D o w n
Figure 9.5: Clock Functions
Figure 9.6: IOS Variable Settings for the High-Speed Differential I/O
IO S =
, ,
Enter the Ch ann el # (13 -18) here!
E nte r I/O Line Type # H ere
1 = C loc k 1 A
2 =
3 =
4 =
5 =
6 =
7 =
8 =
C lo c k 1B
C lo c k 2A
C lo c k 2B
C lo c k 3A
C lo c k 3B
C lo c k 4A
C lo c k 4B
D e fin e L in e o r G r ou p
A s In pu t o r O u tp u t
0 = In p u t
1 = O u tp u t
D e fin e th e C lo c k Ty p e
0 = N o t A C lo c k
1 = Q u a d r atu re
2 = S te p /D ire c tio n
3 = U p /D ow n
S et th e s ta te
o f th e Lin e o r G r o u p
0 = A c tiv e L o w
1 = A c tiv e H ig h
S et th e R a tio M o d e
0 = N o R atio
1 = R a tio
S et th e Tr igg er ing
0 = L e v e l
1 = E d ge
N O T E : T h e
C lo c k # s a re
fix ed to th e ir
a ss o ciated I/O
c h an n e l a n d
c an n o t b e
c h an g e d ! T h e y
a re en tered fo r
s ak e o f c o n sisten c y
o n ly!
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