I n t r o d u c t i o n t o L Y N X P r o g r a m m i n g
The MicroLYNX uses the LYNX programming languange. This language is an
easy to use, BASIC-like language that follows standard programming conven-
tions. It features a powerful instruction set that allows the user to control a
broad spectrum of automated processes.
S y n t a x R u l e s
The LYNX Variables, Instructions and Flags are not case
A space is required after each command, except in the case
where a variable or flag is being set to some value or state. In
this case no space is required between the command and the
“equal” (=) sign or math function.
A comma is required as a delimiter between data fields or
parameters where more than one data field or parameter is
contained in the command. No space is required between
delimiters and parameters.
The apostrophe ( ‘ ) is used as a comment character. Any
text on the same line after the apostrophe will be ignored by
the MicroLYNX.
Party mode device names defined by the DN instruction
ARE case sensitive.
P r o g r a m R u l e s
The first and last instruction of every
program is the PGM instruction, which
toggles the MicroLYNX in and out of
program mode.
Subroutines invoked by a “CALL”
must have a return “RET” instruction on
the last line of the subroutine.
P r o g r a m D e v e l o p m e n t R e c o m m e n d a t i o n s
There are several recommendations for program entry that
optimize the user’s ability to edit and debug LYNX programs:
Always use the LYNX Terminal text
editor window or other ASCII text editor for program
development. While programs may be entered directly into
the MicroLYNX via a terminal, the entire program has to be
re-entered to edit or debug.
LYNX Programming
Using all UPPERCASE characters
for commands and lowercase
characters for comments make
for easier program editing
and debugging!
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