Establishing Communications
T o o l s a n d E q u i p m e n t R e q u i r e d
The following tools and equipment are required to establish communications
with your MicroLYNX System:
IMS LYNX Terminal software.
A free COM port on a PC.
A P e r s o n a l C o m p u t e r w i t h a F r e e C O M P o r t
A PC running Windows 9x, NT4.0 or 2000 is required if the LYNX Terminal
software will be used. However, any operating system that has support for an
ASCII terminal can be used to commu-
nicate with the MicroLYNX.
L Y N X T e r m i n a l S o f t w a r e
The LYNX Terminal software is
provided to ease programming the
MicroLYNX by combining a text editor and ASCII
terminal. This program is located on the LYNX Product
Family CD and can be installed by running
letter]:\Lynx Terminal\IMS LYNXTerminal.exe
. It can also
be downloaded from the IMS website at
www.imshome.com. The minimum system requirements
A 486 or higher PC.
5 MB hard drive space.
Windows 9x, NT 4.0 or Windows 2000.
I n s t a l l i n g t h e L Y N X T e r m i n a l S o f t w a r e
The LYNX Terminal software is a programming/communications interface.
This program was created by IMS to simplify programming and upgrading the
MicroLYNX. The LYNX Terminal is also necessary to upgrade the software in
your MicroLYNX. These updates will be posted to the IMS website at
www.imshome.com as they are made available.
To install the LYNX Terminal to your hard drive, insert the CD into your CD-
ROM Drive. The 3.5” CD, while smaller than typical compact disks, will work
in any horizontally mounted, tray-type CD drive.
To start the installation click “Start > Run” and type “[Drive Letter]:\LYNX
terminal\IMS LYNXTerminal.exe” in the “Open” box.
Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.
Detailed instructions for the IMS LYNX Terminal software can be located in
The LYNX / MicroLYNX Software Reference Manual.
If you are unable to run LYNX
Terminal, any ASCII Terminal
and Text Editor program can
be used!
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