The group functionality of the Impact PowerSync 16-80 Transceiver allows the
user to control up to four separate groups of flashes or cameras (Group A, B,
C, and D). All the receiver(s) matching the group selected on the transmitter
will receive a signal. Simultaneous triggering of multiple light or camera groups
requires additional transceivers (available separately).
To assign your device(s) to a group, simply press and hold the A, B, C, or D
button for one second. The corresponding letter will be displayed on the screen.
To unassign a unit, hold the same group button for one second. The on-screen
group indicator will no longer appear.
A group consists of a minimum of one device or as many devices that are
necessary for the application. Using groups allows you to easily configure up to
four different light or camera groups. You can select any one group individually,
or in combination with any other of the groups, to achieve a particular lighting or
camera exposure effect.
Various lighting configurations are used to achieve different effects. Here’s a
typical multi-group lighting example:
Group Selection
Using Groups