Ikusi Flow guide
Step 2 : Required settings
In this screen you must define the basic parameters of the installation:
Country: select the country where the headend is installed. In the case the country doesn’t appear in the list, you can select
Time zone: select the time zone where the headend is located.
Date and time: by default, the date and time are configured automatically. In the case you need other date and time, diffe-
rent to the proposed one, push
button to edit them.
Type of output: choose IP when the TV distribution network is pure IP, RF when it is pure RF, or IP+RF when the distribution
network is mixed.
Output modulation: select the type of modulation used in the RF distribution.
TV type: select the type of TVs that are being used in the installation (HD or SD). This parameter will be used by the headend
in order to choose the codecs that will be employed by the FLOW ENC modules. In the case both type of TVs are present,
select SD.
Multiple headends: turn on this option in the case there were more than one Ikusi Flow headend in the same installation.