Ikusi Flow guide
Select “IP SERVICES LISTING” tab. This tab shows a list with all the services that are going to be conveyed over IP, with a mul-
ticast address that has been assigned automatically. The user could perform the following adjustments over the channel list:
INITIAL IP: the headend assigns multicast IP address automatically starting from address. If this range was not
the proper one (because it is already in use or because it has been reserved by the network manager for other purposes),
you must change the initial IP and push OK button.
RESET PORT: by default, the headend uses the 1234 port in all the multicast channels. If you want to change it, edit the port
in the RESET PORT box and push OK.
LANGUAGES: the headend has two working modes, separated languages or combined languages. When separated lan-
guages mode is selected, in the case a multi-language service, one multicast stream will be generated for each language.
When combined languages mode is selected, a single multicast stream will be generated. That stream will include all the
languages of that multi-language service.
IP: you will be able to edit the IP address and port, suggested automatically by the headend, individually. To do that, click
button and configure the desired IP address and port.
SERVICE NAME TO SHOW: you can change the service name that will be shown in the TV. To do that, edit the name sugges-
ted by the headend pushing
LANGUAGE: you can delete the audio channels (languages) of a particular service that you don’t want to transmit. To do that,
click over the audio channel, and it will become red, indicating that it has been deleted.
CAM: the headend automatically decides which CAM will decrypt a particular service. The user can cancel this selection,
and choose manually the proper CAM, among the list of the CAMs that are inserted in the headend.
SERVICE REMOVAL: if you want to fully remove a service from the IP channel line-up, push
button corresponding to that
After doing all the desired changes over the IP channel line-up, you should perform a similar process over the RF channel
line-up. To do that, select the “RF SERVICE LISTING” tab.