Carrier on/off
The carrier can be switched on or off at any time by means of the [RF ON/OFF] key. This
effectively switches the output on and off, retaining the 50
output impedance.
RF level selection
You can enter the RF level in the range
137 to +24 dBm (to +20 dBm above 1.2 GHz).
(1) Press [SIG GEN] to show the Signal Generator menu with the current RF level displayed.
(2) Press
[RF Level]
soft key to select RF level as the current function.
(3) Enter the required value using the numerical key pad. For voltage terminate using the [
[mV] or [V] key. For logarithmic units terminate using the [dB] key. RF levels in linear and
logarithmic units are selected from the utilities (see ‘Choice of units’ below). If a value
outside the specified range is requested, an error message is displayed and the instrument is
automatically set to the end of the range.
(4) You can then adjust the level either in steps using the [
] keys or by using the control
knob for continuous adjustment. The default increment/decrement is 1 dB.
(5) You can check the current amount of offset from the reference level by pressing [TOTAL
This causes the
Total Shift Menu
to be displayed.
(6) Pressing
[Return Value]
returns you to the reference level; pressing
[Transfer Value]
the currently displayed level as the reference level.
(7) Pressing [SIG GEN] returns you to the Signal Generator menu.
Choice of units
Units may be
V, mV, V or dB. Conversion between dB and the voltage units is carried out by
pressing the appropriate units key; for example, to change dBm to a voltage unit, press any voltage
key for the correct conversion. The choice of Volts EMF, Volts PD and the dB reference is made
by using the
RF Level Units Selection Menu