Background error reporting
(menu 1)
Background errors are generated due to an incorrect operating condition within the instrument.
These error messages are generated automatically to warn the operator. Although there is only
room to display one message in the error message field of the displays, this utility enables a
complete list of the current background errors to be shown. Proceed as follows:
(1) Press
[Backg’nd Errors]
which causes the
Current Background Errors
display similar to that
in Fig. 3-30 below to be shown. The errors are shown in priority order.
Fig. 3-30 Current background errors display (showing example errors)
(2) Where there are more background errors than can be displayed on one screen page, the
[Previous Page]
soft keys will be displayed to enable more than one page of
errors to be viewed.
(3) Press
to return to the
Utilities Selection Menu 1.