Cleaning and disinfection
Ensure that the bladder is the correct size for the cuff sleeve.
The cuff sleeve size is shown on the outside of the cuff.
Ask your physician if and when the cuff needs to be disinfected for hygienic reasons.
IEM GmbH has tested the following means for the disinfection:
Isopropanol (70%)
Terralin Liquid (Manufacturer: Schülke & Mayr)
When using other disinfectants not checked by IEM GmbH, the user is responsible for the proof of use without
Never use disinfectants which leave residue on the product or which are not suitable for contact with the skin.
To achieve the optimum effect, apply the disinfectant to the cuff for at least five minutes.
Always allow the agents to dry without any residues.
Make sure that any disinfectants used are washed off completely before applying the cuff.