Thank you for choosing the Tel-O-Graph
BT upper-arm blood pressure monitor.
Read this operating manual carefully before use and keep it in a suitable place so that the information is available
when required.
The Tel-O-Graph
BT is a fully automated blood pressure and pulse monitor that enables automatic transmission
by means of a Bluetooth
The Tel-O-Graph
BT can additionally record the pulse wave form of the pulse, and this information is transmitted
alongside the blood pressure.
A licence key is and the Hypertension Management Software Client Server software (HMS CS) is required to
perform a pulse wave analysis (see HMS CS operating manual). Various forms of pulse wave analysis can be
enabled at any time.
The Tel-O-Graph
BT can be integrated in tele-monitoring systems that may involve different products for data
transmission and storage. Such products, and the data base used to store and assess the blood pressure readings
is not part of the Tel-O-Graph
BT, but is within the responsibility of the care provider/physician that you have
allowed to monitor your blood pressure readings. You may not have direct access to the database, and need to
contact the care provider/physician, if you have any question related to the stored data.
This operating manual explains the blood pressure monitor and accessories in the order in which you will operate
the monitor and also use later.
If you have any questions about our services or products, feel free to contact us.
Pulse Wave Analysis (PWA) is not available in the USA.