FDX-32 Command Guide
Output setting
aspect : Aspect ratio of sink device
0 = To be output at the aspect ratio of output resolution [Default]
1 = Aspect ratio 4:3
2 = Aspect ratio 5:3
3 = Aspect ratio 5:4
4 = Aspect ratio 16:9
5 = Aspect ratio 16:10
pattern : Test pattern
0 = OFF Test pattern is not output [Default]
1 = V-STRIPES (Black/white stripes)
2 = CROSS HATCH (Plaid)
3 = WHITE RASTER (All white)
4 = RED RASTER (All red)
5 = GREEN RASTER (All green)
6 = BLUE RASTER (All blue)
7 = COLOR BAR (Colored bar)
8 = 16STEP GRAY (16-step grayscale)
9 = 256STEP GRAY (256-step grayscale)
h_zoom : Horizontal display size
v_zoom : Vertical display size
1000 = 100% [Default]
200 to 4000 = 20.0% to 400%
h_posi :Horizontal display position
v_posi : Vertical display position
0 = 0 % [Default]
-4000 to +4000 = -400 % to +400 %
mred :Blank color (Red)
mgreen :Blank color (Green)
mblue :Blank color (Blue)
bred :Background color(Red)
bgreen :Background color(Green)
bblue :Background color(Blue)
0 = 0 [Default]
0 to 255 = 0 to 255
contrast : Output contrast
100 = 100% [Default]
0 to 200 = 0% to 200%
brightness : Output brightness
100 = 100% [Default]
0 to 200 = 0% to 200%