July 2018
Wire ropes are critical to the safe and reliable performance of your lift.
Cables are expendable items and should be replaced as a set.
(Maximum Allowable Cable Necking)
Nom. Cable Diameters
Max. Reduction in Diameter
Up to 5/16”
3/8” to 1/2”
Typical Good Cable Cable with Necking
Cable with Corrosion Cable with Broken Wires
If any cable is found to be in need of replacement, the entire cable set, pulleys, and
safety rollers, must be replaced immediately. See Cable Condition Guide.
The Wire Rope MUST be replaced if One or More of the Following Criteria Are Met:
More than six (6) randomly distributed broken wires in one rope *lay or 6xd length.
More than three (3) broken wires in one strand in one rope *lay or 6xd length.
Three (3) or more broken wires at rope terminations.
One outer wire broken at the point or contact with the core of the rope which has worked its way out of
the rope structure and protrudes or loops out from the rope structure.
Heavy rusting, corrosion, or pitting. A light surface corrosion on outer wires is normal.
Wear or scraping of one-third (1/3) of the original diameter of outside individual wires.
Excessive stretch. It is normal for new cable to require adjustment during
“break-in,” after which small
periodic adjustments may be required. However, if a cable that has been in service for 6 months should
suddenly require frequent adjustments or has used all the cable adjustments available, all cables must
be replaced immediately.
Deformed strands, kinking, crushing, bird-caging, or any other damage or distortion of wire rope
Variations in diameter (necking) or any change from normal appearance.
Reductions from nominal diameter of more than 1/32
” (for cables 3/8” to 1/2” diameter inclusive.)
End attachments cracked, deformed, or worn.
Lay is the distance measured, parallel to the rope axis, in which a single strand makes one complete turnaround the
rope axis, or the wires make a complete turnaround the axis of the strand.
Also, reference ANSI/ALI ALOIM standard for more information on wire rope cable inspection.