Innovative Circuit Technology Ltd.
Enable SNMP
: Check this box to enable the SNMP agent
Read Community:
Enter the community string/password for
read-only SNMP access. The default read community string
Trap Community:
Assign the community string/password
that will be sent with all traps. Some trap receivers are able
to filter based on Trap Community
Trap IP Addresses:
Assign the IP address for up to two
devices that will receive SNMP traps from the panel.
Enable SNMP Write Access:
Check this box to allow
remote SNMP control of the supply output. If this box is
unchecked information from the panel will be read-only.
Write Community:
Enter the community string/password for
read-write SNMP access. The default write community is
The community strings should be changed to unique passwords
before enabling SNMP, as the defaults are well known.
SNMP Contact Information:
Assign contact information,
such as an operator name and phone number for the panel,
which can be read via SNMP queries. This information is
5.6. Email Setup
The ICT Digital Series is capable of sending email alarm notifications
to multiple email addresses. Configure these settings if you would
like to receive e-mail alarm notifications from the power supply. The
information for the following settings is available from your Network
Administrator or Internet Service Provider (ISP). Click the Save
Settings button to save any changes made to this page
SMTP Server:
The name or IP address of your SMTP server
used for sending outgoing e-mail.