Innovative Circuit Technology Ltd.
LVD Settings
Disconn Voltage:
Modifies the battery disconnect voltage. If
the battery voltage drops below the disconnect voltage when in
battery back-up mode, the battery relay will open and
disconnect the battery. There will be a 3 seconds delay until
the voltage disconnects. The Range of the Disconnect Voltage
is 10 12.4V. (12V model)
Reconn Voltage:
Modifies the battery reconnect voltage when
in back-up mode. If the battery voltage rises above the
reconnect voltage while the battery is disconnected, the battery
relay will close and reconnect the battery. There will be a 3
seconds delay until the voltage connects. The Range of the
Reconnect Voltage is 10.6- 13.8V. (12V model). The battery
will automatically be reconnected after an AC power failure to
ensure the battery quickly recharges.
Configure Battery
Set the float voltage temperature
compensation (-mV/cell/°C), when using the optional remote
temperature sensor (ICT-TMP) Typically use -4mV/cell/°C (i.e.
compensates charge V at -24mV/°C for a 12V battery) for lead-
acid AGM type batteries. Check the battery data sheet for the
recommendations before setting. Default value
is 0mV/°C, or no compensation.
Charge Current:
Set the maximum charge current used to re-
charge the battery according to
recommendations. Default level is equal to the maximum
current limit setting for the unit.
Battery Over Current
: Set the maximum current to be drawn
from the battery. The Battery Over Current alarm will be
triggered if this level is exceeded. Default level is the max
current rating for the unit.
Equalize Charge
Set the Equalize voltage level recommended by the
battery manufacture. (Use with flooded lead-acid batteries