2.3 For Freescale Licensed Software provided to you in source
code form (human readable), Freescale further grants to
you a worldwide, personal, non-transferable, non-exclusive,
license, under Freescale's Intellectual Property Rights:
(a) to prepare derivative works, only as part of, or integrated
within, Authorized Systems and not on a stand alone basis,
of the Licensed Software;
(b) to use, demonstrate, copy, distribute, market and sell deriva-
tive works of the Licensed Software in object code (machine
readable) only as part of, or integrated within, Authorized
Systems and not on a stand alone basis. Notwithstanding
the foregoing, those files marked as .h files ("Header files")
may be distributed in source or object code form, but only as
part of, or embedded within Authorized Systems.
2.4 You may use subcontractors on your premises to exercise
your rights under Section 2.2 and 2.3 so long as you have an
agreement in place with the subcontractor containing confi-
dentiality restrictions no less stringent than those contained
in this Agreement. You will remain liable for your subcon-
tractors' adherence to the terms of this Agreement and for
any and all acts and omissions of such subcontractors with
respect to this Agreement and the Licensed Software.
2.5 The licenses granted above in section 2.3 only extend to
Freescale intellectual property rights that would be infringed
by the Licensed Software prior to your preparation of any
derivative work.
2.6 You are solely responsible for obtaining any necessary third
party approvals and any licenses for any necessary Essen-
tial Patents for their use in connection with technology that
you incorporate into the your Authorized System (whether as
part of the Licensed Software or not).
2.7 The Licensed Software is licensed to you, not sold. Title to
Licensed Software delivered hereunder remains vested in
Freescale or Freescale's licensor and cannot be assigned
or transferred. You are expressly forbidden from selling or
otherwise distributing the Licensed Software, or any portion
thereof, except as expressly permitted herein. This Agree-
ment does not grant to you any implied rights under any Fre-
escale or third party intellectual property.
2.8 You may not translate, reverse engineer, decompile, or dis-
assemble the Licensed Software except to the extent ap-
plicable law specifically prohibits such restriction. You must
prohibit your sub-licensees from translating, reverse engi-
neering, decompiling, or disassembling the Licensed Soft-
ware except to the extent applicable law specifically prohib-
its such restriction.
2.9 You must reproduce any and all of Freescale's (or its third
party licensor's) copyright notices and other proprietary leg-
ends on copies of Licensed Software.
2.10 If you distribute the Licensed Software to the United States Gov-
ernment, then the Licensed Software is "restricted computer
software" and is subject to FAR 52.227-19 (c)(1) and (c)(2).
2.11 You grant to Freescale a non-exclusive, non-transferable, ir-
revocable, perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, sub-licensable
license under your Intellectual Property Rights to use with-
out restriction and for any purpose any suggestion, comment
or other feedback related to the Licensed Software (includ-
ing, but not limited to, error corrections and bug fixes).
2.12 You will not take or fail to take any action that could subject
the Licensed Software to an Excluded License. An Excluded
License means any license that requires as a condition of
use, modification and/or distribution of software subject to
the Excluded License, that such software or other software
combined and/or distributed with such software be (A) dis-
closed or distributed in source code form;
(B) licensed for the purpose of making derivative works; or
(C) redistributable at no charge.
Section 3.
Intellectual Property Rights
3.1 Subject to Freescale's ownership interest in the underlying
Licensed Software, all intellectual property rights associated
with, and title to, your Authorized System will be retained by
or will vest in you.
Your modifications to the Licensed Software, and all intellec-
tual property rights associated with, and title thereto, will be
the property of Freescale. You agree to assign all, and here-
by do assign all rights, title, and interest to any such modifi-
cations to the Licensed Software to Freescale and agree to
provide all assistance reasonably requested by Freescale to
establish, preserve or enforce such right. Further, you agree
to waive all moral rights relating to your modifications to he
Licensed Software, including, without limitation, any and all
rights of identification of authorship and any and all rights
of approval, restriction, or limitation on use or subsequent
Notwithstanding the foregoing, you will have the license
rights granted in Section 2 hereto to any such modifications
made by you or your licensor's.
Section 4.
Patent Covenant not to Sue
4.1 As partial, material consideration for the rights granted to
you under this Agreement, you covenant not to sue or other-
wise assert your patents against Freescale, a Freescale Af-
filiate or subsidiary, or a Freescale licensee of the Licensed
Software for infringement of your Intellectual Property Rights
by the manufacture, use, sale, offer for sale, importation or
other disposition or promotion of the Licensed Software and/
or any redistributed portions thereof.
Section 5.
Term and Termination
5.1 This Agreement will remain in effect unless terminated as
provided herein.
5.2 You may terminate this Agreement immediately upon written
notice to Freescale at the address provided below.
5.3 Either party may terminate this Agreement if the other party
is in default of any of the terms and conditions of this Agree-
ment, and termination is effective if the defaulting party fails
to correct such default within 30 days after written notice
thereof by the non-defaulting party to the defaulting party at
the address below.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, Freescale may terminate this
Agreement immediately upon written notice if you:
(a) breach any of your confidentiality obligations or the license
restrictions under this Agreement;
(b) become bankrupt or insolvent, or file a petition therefore;
(c) make an assignment for the benefit of its creditors;
(d) enter proceedings for winding up or dissolution;
(e) are dissolved; or
(f) are nationalized or is subject to the expropriation of all or
substantially all of its business or assets.
Upon termination of this Agreement, all licenses granted under
Section 2 will expire, except that any licenses extended to
end-users pursuant to Sections 2.2 (c), 2.2 (d) and 2.3 (b)
which have been granted prior to such termination will sur-
After termination of this Agreement by either party and upon
Freescale's written request, you will, at your discretion, re-
turn to the Freescale any confidential information including
any and all copies thereof or furnish to Freescale at the ad-
dress below, a statement certifying, with respect to the Li-
censed Software delivered hereunder that the original and
all copies, except for archival copies to be used solely for
dispute resolution purposes, in whole or in part, in any form,
of the Licensed Software have been destroyed.
5.7 Notwithstanding the termination of this Agreement for any
reason, the terms of Sections 1, 2.5 - 2.12, 3, 4, 5.6, 5.7, 7
and 8 will survive.
Section 6.
Freescale warrants that for the 30 day period following your
download of the Licensed Software that the Licensed Soft-
ware as delivered is free of material defects in materials and
6.2 If Licensed Software is not as warranted, Freescale will, at
its sole option, and as your exclusive remedy, either refund
the fees associated with such Licensed Software, repair, or