(Two indication LEDs for radio-module and radio-module pushbutton are located on positions D10, D11 and TL2 (RM) and visible after cover opening)
The RM button is the button at right, which is possible to press by a suitable tool. Two openings for radio-module LEDs are placed above RM
Radio module status indication
Action / Comments
Flash (100ms) every 4s
- Loop learning operation mode
- Not added into loop
- Message L was received
- Detector is not added into loop
- Press and hold RM until Yellow indication is blinking and
release RM
Blinking with 500ms
- Loop learning operation mode
- Button RM is pressed and hold
- Button RM is pressed and hold
- RF module received message L before
- Release button RM
- Confirmation message K is sent
- Indication is changed to RED flashes
1x Short Flash (100ms)
followed 1x Long Flash
- Button RM is pressed and hold
- Loop learning operation mode will be run
after button release
- Button RM is pressed and hold
- Release button RM to run loop learning mode – L message
is sent
- Hold RM and wait until indication is changed at Red long
Flash and Yellow Long Flash
- Release button RM to send delete message D – detector is
removed from the loop
Flash (100ms) every 4s
- Loop learning operation mode
- Detector added into loop
- Message L was received
- Detector is added into loop
Red + Yellow
1x Long Red Flash
(500ms) followed 1x
Long Yellow Flash
- Button RM is pressed and hold
- Detector will be deleted from the loop after
button release
- Button RM is pressed and hold
- Release button to transmit delete message D and delete
detector from the loop
- Module is back to FACTORY MODE, and able to be
(TEST / RESET) button - User friendly Push-button operation
The UWI-IQ is trying to estimate the user intention and if the UWI-IQ is in other status than normal a simple short press and release of the detector button can
be the first easy solution of the most UWI-IQ/loop situation like TEST indication, HUSH indication or a remote alarm/fault indication etc.
UWI-IQ status
Push button activity
Results - new detector state
Output message to
the SPI / loop
Short press and release
Test mode, T message
Short press and release
Normal, R message
Output delay running
Short press and release
Delay reset, The received Remote ALARM/FAULT
message will not effect the UWI-IQ outputs
Remote Alarm
Short press and release
Remote Fault
Short press and release
Short press and release
Diagnostics mode
Short press and release
Press until Red LED
gets on and darks
HUSH / If HUSH response is enabled in configuration
Normal / If HUSH response is disabled
Normal / x
Long press until Yellow Led
flashes once and gets on
Normal / x
Long press until Yellow LED
gets lit together with Red LED
DIAGNOSTIC mode (after restart)
Normal / x
Long press until Yellow and Red
Leds get dark after their
common lit and the red led
starts flashing
Number of red flashes before releasing of the button is a
new set of the input delay set
The UWI-IQ interface shall be maintained with regularity, do the test by Test button monthly in order to check the communication to second UWI-IQ or to
configured uCU-IQ system..
Test adjusted delay by simulated alarm/fault on interface input by activation of the tested input
Test outputs response by alarm/fault on interface input by activation of the tested input(s) in Diagnostic mode and check the correspondent relay output change
and loop response. (It is not necessary to use Diagnostic mode, if Local outputs response is enabled in configuration)