UWI-IQ custom configuration:
This feature allows to adapt the UWI-IQ to specific application.
UWI-IQ is equipped by the special configuration register and by two delay registers, which are allocated in the EEPROM memory.
The configurable parameters can be changed wireless from UWI-IQ configuration page of the RF-monitor PC tool.
The following UWI-IQ parameters are configurable:
Input delay
255 steps ( one step is about 4s)
Default 2
Output delay
255 steps ( one step is about 4s)
Default 0
INP 1 (Fire input) level
Normal open / Normal closed
Default NO
INP 2 (Fault input) level
Normal open / Normal closed
Default NO
Q response
Disabled / Enabled
Default Disabled
Hush response
Disabled / Enabled
Default Disabled
Disabled / Enabled
Default Disabled
Input delay
If an input delay is set, and the UWI-IQ input level is changed from normal to active level, the alarm/fault message is not sent immediately , but only if the
active level is kept during the pre-alarm / pre-fault indication period. The running pre-alarm period is indicated by flashes of correspondent LED (Red/Yellow)
every delay step. If the input level is changed to normal during the pre-alarm, the pre-alarm indication stops and the delay counter value is renewed, so that for
the alarm message is necessary to keep the input active for the whole pre-alarm delay against.
Output delay
If the message F or E is received and an output delay is set in the current UWI-IQ configuration, the outputs (relay and loop) will not get into alarm/fault state
immediately, but after the configured delay period.
The running delay has been indicated by double flashes each delay step since the message has been received. When the button is pressed during the running
output delay or RESET message or possibly Q message (if enabled) is received, no change of outputs come up and the delay and delay indication is reset.
INP 1, INP 2 level
As default the open input is evaluated by UWI-IQ as normal, whilst the closed input is considered to be alarm, resp. fault active signal.
It is possible to set by the configuration option an individual input to be evaluated if closed (shorted) as normal and open (disconnected) input is evaluated as
alarm/fault active signal then.
Q response
It is possible to enable in the configuration menu the response to Q-message. If Q response enabled the remote alarm/fault or running output delay are reset
after Q message receiving (CHOR-IQ detector alike) If disabled the only possibilities how to stop the remote alarm (output activity) are Reset message or
local button press.
Hush response
If Hush response enabled, a period, during which the UWI-IQ does not response neither to local input change nor to remote alarm / fault message can be
started . It will start either after H message receiving or when the button is pressed till red led TEST gets dark against.
If this optional feature is enabled, the UWI-IQ is also forwarding the received messages. This option is available only for peer to peer system configurations.(In
system configuration with control panel uCU-IQ serves Repeater-IQ for possible message forwarding. )
Example of a configuration screen and customer setting:
(Inputs are opened in normal condition, ALARM or FAULT can be activated shortage of the INP1 or INP 2)
(Q response is suppresed, Relays and loop output will response also to local events and Hush can be activated either by button or by instruction. )