UWI-IQ manual (rev. 5.07.2019)
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OUTPUT terminal line
1 Loop +
optional output for control panel loop
2 Loop -
optional output for control panel loop
relay contact
relay contact
relay contact
relay contact
relay contact
relay contact
1. Configure wireless communication system with control panel or peer
to peer loop (UWI-IQ to UWI-IQ link) before units placing (see
Appendix 2 or 3 for details)
2. Connect the power supply (9-12V DC) to the terminals POWER
3. Do it for both UWI-IQ which should be configured in wireless link.
In case of configuration UWI-IQ into uCU-IQ system connect also
batteries to all wireless detectors in the system. During the start up
time, the detector and UWI-IQ will give 2 short yellow blink every 4.
sec. in 30 sec. (Do not forgot to Delete previously UWI-IQ
configuration if any )
4. Follow the instruction from the manual for RF monitor -
configuration software and configure wireless system or wireless
link (UWI-IQ to UWI-IQ - peer to peer). (Wireless link is possible to
configure the same way as peer to peer CHOR-IQ detector loop.)
5. Select the UWI-IQ for user configuration by RF -monitor, open the
UWI-IQ configuration page and set the required UWI-IQ parameters
like input delay, output delay, local relays response, response to Q
message, Hush enable/disable. Choose the parameters in accordance
to your intended UWI-IQ application. Set/check the configurable
parameters of all UWI-IQ in installation /system.
6. Choose the best place to fix the UWI-IQ unit with regards to an easy
connection with the source of the input signal and/or the receiver of
relay / Loop output signals and power supply source. Find an optimal
position especially with regards to the antenna. The antennas has to be
oriented so that the same polarisation of all wireless components in
system is secured. The UWI-IQ unit is possible to fix to a wall uCU-
IQ alike. UWI-IQ is intended to be installed into an instrument
distribution box. Install the UWI-IQ unit at least 0.5m from fuse box
or other electrical appliances. Be aware that EM disturbances can
harm the universal interface
7. Connect power supply wires and the input(s), outputs on the UWI-IQ
terminal board according to the intended UWI-IQ application. Fix the
UWI-IQ electronics into the plastic box and install the top panel.
(Remove the top cover of the UWI-IQ carefully. Put a flat
screwdriver to the left side of cover groove and slightly lever to left
side and remove the top cover. Place the UWI-IQ in vertical position
into instrument distribution box. Use 2 screws to connect both sides
of the UWI-IQ to the box. Put the top cover of UWI-IQ backpanel.)
8. If external antenna is used, check carefully the antenna connection
(correct coax connection of the pigtail on RM module and
connection of the antenna to the pigtail by SMA connector.)
9. Check the Test broadcasting in the system. Test can be stopped by
press of any UWI-IQ or detector test button or from the control
panel. The test mode will stops automatically in about 3 minutes.