Interface STATUS
Start up time:
starts by 4 x Yellow LED flash and continue by Yellow double flash every 4 sec
Increment Start counter in EEPROM
Normal condition:
standby current consumption - only green LED (POWER) lighting
Start by Test button or by 't' message
Stop by Test button, by 'r' message or automatically after 2 minutes
INPUT1 = (Local pre-alarm):
Red LED (LOCAL ALARM / TEST) flashes every positive input test - 4s period
(during pre-alarm protective period - input delay only)
Red LED (LOCAL ALARM / TEST) is lighting
Alarm counter is incremented in EEPROM and the Event is recorded
INPUT1 change from Alarm to Normal
after disappearing of fire condition signal on INPUT1 is sent one stop message
(the stop message will send if only the full alarm was reached before)
INPUT2 = (Local pre-fault):
Yellow LED (LOCAL FAULT / HUSH) flashes every
positive input2 test - 4s period
(during pre-fault protective period - input delay only)
INPUT2 = (Local FAULT):
YELLOW LED is lighting
Alarm counter is incremented in EEPROM and an Event is recorded
INPUT2 change from Fault to Normal
after disappearing of FAULT condition signal onINPUT2 is sent one stop message
(the clean message will be send if only the full fault was reached before)
Program hangs:
Watch-Dog RESET
4 flashes by Yellow LED every WD reset
WD counter in EEPROM increment
Remote ALARM received:
Starts by ' f ' message - RED LED (REMOTE ALARM), Fire RELAY on,
and loop output in fire condition (increased current of the loop to alarm value)
until receiving of stop alarm (s), reset (r), quit (q)_ if enabled or hush (h)_if enabled
message or quit by a short TEST /RESET button press.
If output delay is set, the Red Led (LOCAL ALARM / TEST) is double flashing
during the delay first.
Remote FAULT received:
Starts by ' e ' message - YELL LED (REMOTE FAULT) ,Fault RELAY on,
and loop output in fault condition (decreased loop current to fault limit)
until receiving of stop fault (c), reset (r), quit (q) if enabled
or quit by a short Test button press
If output delay is set, the Red Led (LOCAL ALARM / TEST) is double flashing
during the delay first.
Remote Test
Indication by RED LED ALARM/TEST
automatic recovery after about 2 min
Message 'q' stops all remote indications (cancel an actual remote alarm or remote error)
this operation can be activated by Test push button on any node in remote alarm
or from a control panel. Acceptation of Q message by UWI-IQ depends on configuration,
The Q response must be enabled (Disabled as default)
the local alarm is kept – it allows to find (localize) node with local alarm/local error
(If the button of node with local alarm is used the all detectors will stop sirens)
By the push button from the Test mode or by the message 'r'
It clears the UWI-IQ indications and status words – the local alarm, local fault, remote
alarm, remote error
(Reset can by applied even in local alarm /fault condition, but the Interface will indicate
the pre -alarm and alarm or pre-fault and fault condition against then)
the Interface is restarted the same way as after a power voltage on
Restart can be done by power voltage (
off /on)
sequence or by a long push of the detector
button or