Bed preparation and damaged Kapton.
After a few prints you might notice the Kapton layer that was applied at our factory is
damaged. This is quite normal. The layer can be damaged by the extruder nozzle or
by tools to remove your prints from the heated bed.
After a few prints it can be necessary to degrease the Kapton or the glass with a
degreasing solution. Ammonia, lemon juice or brake cleaner are excellent for
degreasing purposes.
The Kapton layer can be replaced easily. There are numerous providers online or we
can provide you with Kapton tape.
Replacing Kapton Tape :
Remove the old Kapton tape from the glass.
Degrease it with household detergent.
Prepare a bowl of water and add some detergent to it.
Cut the kapton tape to the size of the glass
Dip the tape in the bowl with the mixture
Place the tape on the glass
Push out the moisture from underneath the tape with a cloth or a credit card
Repeat until the glass is completely covered with tape.
Let it dry for about 12 hours.
Printing without tape :
There are numerous tricks to print without kapton tape. You can find more information
online or there are a few methods you can try in the Print Settings and Tips chapter of
this manual.
Manual – ICARUS 3D M2 – 2014 -