After you have succesfully homed all axis, you need to check if the bed is level.
1. Take a piece of paper and cut it to the size of the heated bed.
2. Place the piece of paper on the heated bed.
3. Home the X-axis and the Y-axis.
4. Move the Z height to about 0.2mm above the surface of the sheet of paper.
5. Move the extruder head above the sheet of paper by manually controlling the
X-axis and Y-axis in the software. The Z-height should remain the same. If
the gap between the nozzle and the heatbed gets smaller or larger, you will
need to adjust the heatbed.
6. There is a gcode file included in the download package for testing the overall
alignment of your printer. You can find the file printtest.gcode in the folder
FIRSTPRINTS. Load the Gcode in Repetier Host.
7. Run the Gcode.
8. ! The printer should start printing a single layer rounded square. Note that it
might take a while before the extruder and heatbed reach the optimal
Check the image to get an idea of how your first layer should look.
1. The extruder nozzle sits to high
above the heatbed surface. This
extrusion will not stick sufficiently to
the bed and it might even let go
while printing.
2. The extruder nozzle sits to close
to the heatbed surface. The nozzle
might damage the kapton layer on
the glass and your prints will not
come out the correct size.
3. Perfect ! Your prints will stick to
the bed and you will not damage the
kapton layer.
Manual – ICARUS 3D M2 – 2014 -