Operating Procedures
Moving the Cursor
The cursor always indicates the next available character position on the screen. For
applications using an unformatted display screen, select the location for the next character
to be entered by moving the cursor to the selected screen position. The following keys
are used for positioning the cursor:
Press the Up Arrow key (
) to move the cursor up on the screen.
Press the Down Arrow key (
) to move the cursor down on the screen.
Press the Left Arrow key (
) to move the cursor horizontally left one position for each
Press and hold the Alt and Left Arrow keys (
) to move the cursor left two positions
at a time. When the cursor moves beyond the edge of the screen, it “wraps” or reappears
at the last character position of the previous line.
Press the Right Arrow key (
) to move the cursor horizontally right one position for
each depression.
Press and hold the Alt and Right Arrow keys (
) to move the cursor right two positions
at a time. When the cursor moves beyond the edge of the screen, it “wraps” or reappears
at the first character position of the next line.
Press the New Line key (
) to move the cursor to the first entry position on the next
line. When the cursor is at the last entry position on the bottom line of the screen, pressing
the New Line key moves the cursor to the first entry position at the top of the screen.
Press the Backspace key (
) to move the cursor backward.
Press the Home key to move the cursor to the first available character position on the
screen (Home on 102/103-key keyboard, and
on 104/122-key keyboards).
If the application uses a formatted display screen, the following three additional keys
can be used to position the cursor:
Press the Tab key (
) to move the cursor forward to the first entry position of the next
entry field.
Press the Backtab key (
) to move the cursor back to the first entry position in the
current or preceding entry field.
Press the Skip key (Data Entry keyboards only) to move the cursor to the first entry
position in a subsequent entry field.
For applications using unformatted display screens, pressing the Tab, Backtab, or Skip
key returns the cursor to the first available character position on the screen.