ZT-5400 Powertrain
1 . Air Compressor and Air Impact
Wrench or Electric Impact Wrench
2. 1 7/16” Socket
3 . Socket Extension
4 . Torque Wrench (Must be capable of
achieving 50 ft-lbs)
5 . Paint Pen or visible marker .
6 . Flash Light
Placement mark
Placement mark
CasTle nuT (113) alTernaTe TOrQue meTHOd
The ideal method for installing a new hub and nut is utilizing a torque wrench capable of
275 ft-lbs. If a 275 ft-lbs torque wrench is not available please use the alternative proce-
dure outlined in this document. All parts need to be clean and free of lubrication.
1 . Engage machine parking brake .
2 . Remove nut cover .
3 . Remove existing nut .
4 . Install new nut to 50 ft-lbs
5 . Mark a point on the new nut and hub
per Figure 28 . (Point A)
6. Measure 2 nut flats or 120º per Figure
28 and mark hub . (Point B)
7. Turn nut clockwise until mark “A” lines
up with mark “B”. (
Figure 29
8 . Continue turning nut clockwise until
the slot lines up with the cross hold of
the axle shaft .
9 . Install cotter pin .
10 . Reinstall nut cover .
figure 28
figure 29
figure 28 / figure 29, alternate Torque method
Hydro Gear Parts or New Units Call 606-678-9623 or 606-561-4983