ZT-5400 Powertrain
Oil Fill Volume
Oil Volume = 4475 - 4525 mL
(151.3 - 152.9 fl. oz.)
(1.182 - 1.195 gal.)
(8.75 - 8.83 lb.)
This transaxle is designed with a serviceable
filter. To ensure constant fluid quality levels and
longer life, an initial oil and filter change at 100
hours is recommended . Subsequent changes
are recommended at 400 hour intervals mini-
mum, or yearly, whichever comes first.
The following procedure can be performed with
the transaxle installed in the vehicle, and the
vehicle on level ground . Apply the bypass valve
and lock the vehicle parking brake .
1. Place an oil drain pan (12” or more in diam
ter and 8 qt . capacity is optimal) beneath the
oil filter. Remove the oil filter cover from the
transaxle to drain the oil . Remove the O-ring
from the cover and discard the O-ring .
2 . After the oil has drained from the transaxle,
remove the oil filter from the transaxle hous-
ing .
3. Install a new filter (Hydro-Gear part number
71943). Install a new O-ring onto the filter
cover and install the filter cover. See Figure
3a. See page 15 for torque specifications.
4. Remove the top oil fill vent port plug (see
page 5) and fill the transaxle with new
20W50 motor oil through the expansion
tank port/fill port until oil reaches the oil fill
vent port .
5 . Install the top oil fill vent port plug and con-
tinue filling the system with oil until the fill
line is reached in the expansion tank .
6. Drain old oil filter of all free flowing oil prior
to disposal . Place used oil in appropriate
containers and deliver to an approved re-
cycling collection facility .
7 . Proceed to the purge procedure .
fluId CHanGe prOCedure
The oil volume figure shown does not
include what is in the expansion tank
line or the expansion tank. That will
have to be determined by the OEM/end
user due to varying line sizes/lengths
and expansion tank sizes.
figure 3, Oil Volume
Filter cover
figure 3a, filter Components
Hydro Gear Parts or New Units Call 606-678-9623 or 606-561-4983