ZT-5400 Powertrain
nOTe: any servicing dealer attempting a
warranty repair must have prior
approval before conducting main-
tenance of a Hydro-Gear® product
unless the servicing dealer is a cur-
rent authorized Hydro-Gear service
eXTernal maInTenanCe
Regular external maintenance of the ZT-5400
Powertrain™ should include the following:
1 . Check the vehicle operator’s manual for
the recommended load ratings . Insure
the current application does not exceed
load rating .
2 . Check oil level in accordance with Figure 3
Page 10 .
3 . Inspect the vehicle drive belt, idler pulley(s),
and idler spring(s) . Insure that no belt
slippage can occur . Slippage can cause low
input speed to the transmission .
4 . Inspect the transmission cooling fan for
broken or distorted blades and remove any
obstructions (grass clippings, leaves, dirt,
etc .) .
5 . Inspect the parking brake and vehicle
linkage to insure proper actuation and
adjustment of the parking brake .
6 . Inspect the vehicle control linkage to the
directional control arm on transaxle . Also,
insure the control arm is securely fastened
to the trunnion arm of the transaxle .
7 . Inspect the bypass mechanism on the
transaxle and vehicle linkage to insure it
actuates and releases fully .
serVICe and maInTenanCe
All the service and maintenance procedures
presented on the following pages can be
performed while the ZT-5400 Powertrain is
mounted on the vehicle . Any repair procedures
as mentioned in the tear down and assembly
section of this manual must be performed after
the unit has been removed from the vehicle .
The fluids used in Hydro-Gear products have
been carefully selected, and only equivalent, or
better products should be substituted .
Typically, an engine oil with a minimum rating
of 9 .0 cSt (55 SUS) at 230°F (110° C) and an API
classification of SL is recommended. A 20W-50
engine oil has been selected for use by the factory
and is recommended for normal operating
temperatures . Biodegradable oils are not ap-
proved for this unit as they degrade to quickly
while in service .
fluId VOlume and leVel
Fluid volume information is provided in the
Table below .
Certain situations may require additional fluid
to be added or even replaced . Refer to Page
10, Figure 3 and page 5 for the proper fill port
location .
Fill the ZT-5400 Powertrain to the top of the oil
fill port.
Recheck the fluid level once the unit has been
operated for approximately 1 minute .
Purging may be required . Refer to the purging
procedures on page 11 .
serVICe and maInTenanCe
Hydro Gear Parts or New Units Call 606-678-9623 or 606-561-4983