Configuring the SMU
SensorMonitoring Unit - SMU
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BeWa SMU1200 3854281 V2.0x en(us) 2013-08-20
SENS A – Sensor A PowerUp menu
Under SENS A, you have the option of accessing the PowerUp menu with
the sensor (CS1000 or MCS1000) connected to sensor interface A.
The respective menu items are dependent on the connected sensor.
You can find a description of the menu items in the Operating and
Maintenance Instructions for the sensor.
SEN A and PW.UP be shown in the right-hand display for
as long as the PowerUp menu of sensor A is selected.
The message NO.MENU will
appear if no PowerUp menu is
available for the connected
sensor. (Display for
~ 2 seconds).
If no sensor is connected to
the sensor interface A, then
NO.SENS will be displayed.
This display will go out after 10
seconds provided that the
SMU status (LED) is green.