GDS 600 Hospitality Programming Manual Version 1.3.1
Initialize The System!
- You must always initialize the system and reset the database
before beginning the programming process.
First select System Programming from the main screen. There is no password
required in the default database, so you may leave it blank. Click Save. The
following main system programming screen will appear. You will access various
program categories on the left hand side and then enter programming information
into fields that appear in the center of the screen.
Click System, Program 25 and select item 3, Reset Lodging System. Then click
A unique default database has been designed and created to minimize the amount
of programming required by the installer. This database automatically assigns a
class of service to single line station ports as Guest which assures the proper voice
prompts. It also turns off features like “hold”, the ability to send a message and a
variety of other features. The database also features automatic class of service
assignment for Hybrex digital telephone sets and they are set to forward to voice
mail on busy and no answer and have an “Admin” voice mail classification which
makes their feature set different from guest telephones.