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2. Set up 360 Imaging on the Control Head
When the control head detects the 360 Imaging transducer, it will select it
automatically as a source on the Ethernet network. The related views and menus will
be added to the system. Use the following instructions to confirm AS 360 is selected.
Select 360 Imaging on the Network
Confirm that AS 360 is selected in the Network Source Setup dialog box. It might
take up to a minute for the equipment to be detected.
If AS 360 is already selected (indicated by a check mark), you can skip this
step. Proceed to
Test 360 Imaging on the Control Head
Main Menu:
Press the MENU key once.
2. Select the Network tab > Network Source Setup. Press the RIGHT Cursor key.
3. Select the 360 tab from the Network Source Setup dialog box.
4. Select
AS 360
from the transducer list. Press the RIGHT Cursor key. A
checkmark will display in the box to show it is selected.
5. Press the EXIT key until the dialog box is closed.
Selecting the 360 Imaging Transducer
360 Imaging
Control Head Setup
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