Tighten the socket bolts and collar clamp hardware evenly on both
sides of the clamp until you feel them start to compress and secure, and
then tighten each bolt an additional 1/4 to 1/2 turn.
The socket bolts must be tightened completely to prevent the trolling
motor from potentially damaging the pod.
Hand-tighten only!
Shorten the Pod Shaft (optional)
If you determine that the pod shaft is mounted too high for your trolling motor
installation, you may shorten the pod shaft using the following instructions.
1. Disconnect the motor from all sources of electrical power.
2. Disconnect the Ethernet and power cables from the pod.
3. Measuring from the top of the pod shaft to the bracket, determine how much
of the pod shaft needs to be removed. The pod shaft needs to protrude at
least 1" to 2" (25.4 mm to 50.8 mm) above the bracket when it is installed.
4. Using a marker, mark the planned cut line on the shaft. It is important to
mark a straight line.
Reviewing the Pod Shaft Installation
socket bolts
1" (25.4 mm)
minimum shaft length
above bracket
f the
AS 360 TM Ultrex
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