The computer that is connected through a serial port or management
network port and maintains the OceanStor storage system.
An entity that provides a means to transmit and process the information
related to network management.
network port
The network port on the controller subrack that is connected to the
maintenance terminal. It is provided for the remote maintenance
Medium scanning
A background program that is run by controllers and provides the
function of detecting disk errors. The medium scanning program detects
and reports errors to the event log module.
Member disk
A disk in a redundant array of inexpensive disks (RAID) group in the
OceanStor storage system.
Member disk
A function of the OceanStor storage system. It refers to the process of
restoring the data from the faulty disk to the new disk after you replace
a faulty member disk in a RAID group with a new one.
A form of storage array in which two or more identical copies of data
are maintained on separate media. This prevents data loss due to disk
Mirroring group
In a group of RAID at the RAID 10 level, the member disks that are
mirrors of each other are known as a mirroring group.
Modify the stripe
unit size
To modify the stripe unit size without interrupting the normal services
of LUN.
A port that connects a node to the optical network or another node. The
N_Port of the node connects to the F_Port of the optical network or the
N_Port of another node. The N_Port handles the creation and detection
of a message unit and input or output the packages which connect to the
system. The N_Port is the end point between points.
Native devices
The application server LUN viewed through the device management
software on the application server. The application server can access
the same array LUN through multiple physical paths. Therefore, for the
same array LUN, the number of the application server that is displayed
as the local device is consistent with the number of physical paths.
A special port that is on the fiber channel arbitrated loop. The NL_Port
and the N_Port have the same function, logical structure, and ability for
processing information; however, the NL_Port is connected to the
arbitrated loop and the N_Port is connected to the optical network. Some
port products can be used as an N_Port or an NL_Port based on the
network that they are connected to. When the NL_Port is in passive loop
mode, the NL_Port must copy and transmit the frame.
B Glossary
OceanStor S5600 Storage System
Initial Configuration Guide
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Issue 02 (2009-09-30)