Transfer the level
of RAID group
To transfer the level of RAID group dynamically without interrupting
the normal services of RAID group.
A type of SNMP message that indicates the occurrence of an event. This
type of message is transmitted to the received through UDP. The
transmission process is not completely reliable.
It refers to port trunking which aggregates multiple physical ports into
a logical path through setting configuration software. By combining the
bandwidth of multiple ports, the bandwidth between switches and
network nodes are expanded and the ports are provided an wholly
occupied bandwidth with the speed several times higher than an
independent port.
The trademark of multi-path software provided by Huawei.
Unload slave LUN
The process of unloading the last slave LUN from the connected LUNs.
Used hot-spare
A hot-spare disk that is in use.
User interface
The interface on which users enter commands for operation.
Variable prefetch
A cache prefetch strategy. The size of the data to be prefetched is the
multiple for prefetching multiplied by the length of a read command.
This strategy applies to the applications that require reading data of
variable size in a certain order or to the situations where multiple
subscribers read data concurrently but no fixed prefetch size can be set,
because the amount of pre-read data cannot be judged. An example is
the streaming media demanded by multiple subscribers who use
different bit rates.
The controller used by the array LUN to read and write a disk.
Write hole
A potential data corruption problem for parity RAID technology
resulting from any array failure while application I/O is outstanding,
followed by an unrelated member disk failure (some time after the array
has been returned to service). Data corruption can occur if member data
and parity become inconsistent due to the array failure, resulting in a
false regenerating when data failed member disk is subsequently
requested by an application.
OceanStor S2600 Storage System
Command Reference
B Glossary
Issue 07 (2010-05-20)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.