Browser / Server
An architecture that defines the roles of browser and server, where the
browser is the service request party and the server is the service provider.
A special area of memory, managed by a cache controller, which
improves performance by storing the contents of frequently accessed
memory locations and their addresses.
Cache hit
The percentage of directly accessed I/O from Cache to all the I/O
operation during the read operation.
Cache prefetch
According to the operation in which data has been read or is being read,
the required data is read from a disk into the cache in advance.
The function that devices send the detected critical events, such as faults,
to maintenance engineers through an E-mail or a short message.
Captive screw
After the screw is loosened, screw caps and bolts do not fall off the main
Connect the OceanStor storage system to more disk subracks through
connection cables, thus expanding the capacity of the OceanStor storage
Challenge handshake authentication protocol. An authentication
protocol based on the password. This protocol checks that a user has the
right to access a system by using a challenge.
A technology for ensuring data security and integrity in the
OceanStor storage system. The hard disks in slots 0 to 3 serving as
coffers, which store the data of system configuration, data of alarm logs,
and the data in the cache that is not written to the disk when the system
power is off for emergency and alarm log data.
Coffer disk
Physical storage media. It refers to the hard disks in slots 0 to 3 of the
controller subrack.
Command device
Command device for OceanStor Command Line Interface.
Connected LUN
Logically consecutive LUNs are connected through connecting
multiple LUN space.
Consistency check
LUN consistency check is an advanced maintenance function of the
controller. Through the consistency check, the controller can check the
consistency of data on arrays in advance, that is, the validity and
integrity of data.
Constant prefetch
A cache prefetch strategy. The size of the data to be prefetched is the
size as set. This strategy applies to the applications that require reading
data of a fixed size in a certain order. An example is the streaming media
demanded by multiple subscribers who use the same bit rate.
B Glossary
OceanStor S2600 Storage System
Command Reference
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Issue 07 (2010-05-20)