displayed for a line button on the eSpace 7950 indicates that the linkage between the
eSpace 7950 and the eSpace Desktop is enabled.
Using Linkage
After linkage is enabled, you can perform the operations described in the following table.
Table 7-1
Using linkage
If You Want to Use the Linked eSpace
Desktop to...
Place a call for your IP phone
Enter and dial the number of the called
party on the linked eSpace Desktop.
Your IP phone and the linked eSpace
Desktop both display the calling screen/
Ensure that the linkage-enabled account of your
IP phone has an idle line in this scenario.
Answer/Reject a call for your IP phone
When the linkage-enabled account of your
IP phone has an incoming call, your IP
phone and the linked eSpace Desktop both
display the incoming call notification
on the linked
eSpace Desktop.
End a call for your IP phone
When the linkage-enabled account of your
IP phone is engaged in a call, your IP phone
and the linked eSpace Desktop both display
the talking screen/window.
on the linked eSpace
Perform two-stage dialing for your IP phone
When the linkage-enabled account of your
IP phone is engaged in a call, your IP phone
and the linked eSpace Desktop both display
the talking screen/window.
Open the keypad for two-stage dialing on
the linked eSpace Desktop and perform
two-stage dialing.
eSpace 7910&7950 IP Phone
User Guide
7 eSpace UC-Related Functions
Issue 03 (2017-06-30)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.