Photo 10
Install the rest of the horizontal crossmember subassemblies the same way you
did the first (see Photo 11). Make sure to space the assemblies properly for the
components and isolation bases that will be placed on the stand. Make sure to
take into account the three-inch height of each HRS Isolation Base when
determining your desired spacing. Orient the HRS logo so that when the stand is
sitting on its feet the HRS logo will be in the proper orientation. Make sure that
all eight screws are fully installed connecting the horizontal crossmember
subassembly to the legs, but 1/4 away from fully tightened before moving to the
next assembly process.
Photo 11
Remove two more vertical leg subassemblies from the wooden crate and place
them on your work surface. If you are assembling a VXR frame system that is
more than one column wide, use all the double-sided vertical leg subassemblies
(with bolt plates on two sides) before installing the second set of one-sided
subassemblies. Remove the legs from the crate by lifting vertically at each end
and move them directly to your prepared work surface. Again, saving all the
packing material is critical to secure transportation of the frame in the future.
Shipping or moving the vertical leg subassemblies by any other means may result
in permanent damage to the unit.