Attaching the VXR Horizontal Crossmember Subassemblies
- You are now
ready to attach the horizontal crossmember subassembly to the vertical leg
subassemblies. There are two braces that hold the two legs together to form the
primary VXR Frame Structure. Take two of the VXR vertical leg subassemblies
and lay them down on your soft work surface so that the outside edges are 19
inches apart for a VXR-1921 or 17 inches apart for a VXR-1719 (see Photo 5).
This will minimize the adjustment required to attach the mount assemblies.
Photo 5
There are sixteen fasteners holding the horizontal crossmember subassembly
rigid that need to be loosened prior to assembly. The eight on the top of the
subassembly are circled in Photo 6 and there are eight more opposite them on the
underside of the subassembly. Loosen the two fasteners at either end of each
brace on both the top and bottom by 1/4 turn (four fasteners per brace per side
for a total of sixteen). Do not loosen the two fasteners at the center of each of the
braces; they must remain torqued as delivered. Remove one horizontal brace
subassembly from its crate and use the 5/32” T-wrench or ratchet wrench
supplied with the VXR to loosen (counter clockwise) the sixteen bolts that connect
to the isolation base mounts. Only loosen each fastener 1/4 turn to give the
assembly some flexibility for easy installation.
Photo 6