Refasten the bottoms of the horizontal braces to the isolation base mounts using
four 1/4”-20x7/8” screws on the underside of each brace (see Photo 38). Make
sure to orient the horizontal braces so the HRS logos are facing out. Refasten the
brace tops at the center two holes first using two 1/4”-20x7/8” screws (see Photo
Photo 38
Photo 39
Finally, thread in the other four 1/4”-20x7/8” screws at the ends of each
horizontal brace top (see Photo 40). Torque all the fasteners in the horizontal
crossmember assembly until you can turn the T-wrench 1/8 turn without the
fastener rotating. When all the fasteners are properly torqued the relocation of
the horizontal crossmember subassembly is complete. All isolation bases and
components can be placed back in the frame system at this time.
Photo 40