Slowly lower the brace assembly onto the bolt plates of the two leg assemblies
until the key on the brace rests in the keyway slot on the vertical leg
subassemblies (see Photos 7 and 8). Make sure the assembly is placed so that the
HRS logo will be oriented correctly when the frame system is standing upright
(see Photo 9), with the pocket for isolation base feet facing up away from the
floor. Attach at least one of the 1/4”-20 x 3/4" screws to the brace assembly prior
to removing your hand from the assembly to ensure it stays in place. It is very
important that the 3/4" long screws are used at this location to obtain proper
thread engagement.
Photo 7
Photo 8
Photo 9
Install the rest of the eight 1/4”-20 x 3/4" screws to attach one side of the
horizontal crossmember assembly (see Photo 10) to the first two vertical leg
subassemblies. You will need to use the supplied ratchet wrench at the location
closest to the crossbrace because the T-wrench will hit the crossbrace and
prevent screw rotation. Make sure the screws are fully engaged, but do not torque
the screws tightly yet. Leave them 1/4 turn away from fully tightened to allow for
a very small amount of play so you can properly balance the assembly later. All
the screws for the brace system will be fully tightened at a later point in the
assembly process. If they are tightened at this time, you may not be able to
complete assembly.