• Mode 0: No Redundancy
All power capping is disabled. This mode can be used to minimize any possible performance impact of power capping
• Mode 1: Max Performance with Redundancy
This is the default power capping mode. This mode allows the maximum number of nodes to run by engaging power
capping if the power draw from the chassis attempts to exceed the load supported by the active power supplies. In
this mode, the system is expected to survive (with the possibility of degraded performance) an unexpected power loss
to one or more of the power supplies.
• Mode 2: Not supported
• Mode 3: User Configurable Mode
The user can specify a valid power cap value from a predefined range. A cap cannot be set below a minimum or above
a maximum. The cap includes all server nodes, fans, and drives. User configurable mode requires an iLO Advanced
• Mode 4: Rack Level Dynamic Power Capping Mode
In conjunction with APM, the user can specify a maximum power capacity for the entire rack. The APM dynamically
allocates power to the applicable chassis within the rack to maximize performance given the available power. For more
information, see the HPE Apollo Platform Manager User Guide (
• Mode 5: Power Feed Redundancy Mode
When used with an A+B power feed configuration, Power Feed Redundancy Mode throttles the system 100%, bringing
the nodes to a complete stop if a power feed loss is deduced. Full throttling continues until the power feed is brought
back online. In this mode, the system is expected to survive an unexpected loss of an entire power feed to half of the
power supplies.
Configuring a power cap
To configure power capping, use the HPE Apollo Platform Manager. For more information, see the HPE Apollo Platform
Manager User Guide (
1. Log in to APM.
a. When the system boots, a Login prompt appears.
b. At the prompt, enter
2. Before setting the power cap, enter the following command to review the power baseline:
>show power baseline
The information displayed provides the minimum cap value, the maximum cap value, and the chassis that meet the
requirements for power capping.
3. To set the power cap for eligible chassis connected to the APM, enter the following command at the prompt:
>SET POWER CAP<wattage>|NONE[zone_name]
The wattage value, if provided, represents the total wattage to be allocated among all the chassis that are part of the
baseline or partial baseline of a zone, if specified. This value is divided by the total maximum wattage established by
the baseline to calculate a percentage cap value. This percentage is then multiplied against each chassis maximum
wattage value to arrive at an appropriate cap value for that individual chassis.