alert level
hexadecimal dump of event records
event ID keyword
Raw hex – The raw hex format supplies following information about an event:
hexadecimal dump of event records
Text – The text format supplies the following information about an event:
log number
alert level
event ID keyword
brief text description
reporting entity type
reporting entity ID
hexadecimal dump of event records
Problem/Cause/Action - The Problem/Cause/Action format displays a problem/cause/action
statement in addition to the summary and other fields displayed by the text formatter.
To connect to the live log viewer, enter the
command on the monarch OA.
The option
can be used to display column header information at any point in time while
in the Live viewer. The column header corresponding to the event viewer format currently active
will be displayed
Welcome to the Live Event Viewer
WARNING: Due to connection speed and/or to the number
of events being generated and/or to the format
option selected, the live event viewer may
silently drop events.
The following event format options are available:
K: Keyword
E: Extended Keyword
R: Raw hex
T: Text
S: Cause/Action
The following alert filter options are available:
Alert filter will cause events at the selected alert filter
and below to be shown
0: Minor Forward Progress
1: Major Forward Progress
2: Informational
3: Warning
5: Critical
7: Fatal
The following event filter options are available:
B: Blade
P: Partition
V: Virtual Partition
U: Unfiltered
Current alert threshold: Alert threshold 0
Current filter option: Unfiltered
Current format option: Extended Keyword
Select new filter/format option, or <ctrl-b> to exit or <cr> to
resume display of live events, or H/? for help or 'C' to
display column header information
Location: Enclosure, Device Bay, Socket, Core, Thread AL: Alert Level
198 Using event logs