applied to all member servers in the domain. The Event Log settings can be configured in Windows
Server 2003 at the following location within the Group Policy Object Editor:
Computer Configuration\Windows Settings\Security Settings\Event Log
This section provides details on the prescribed security options for the three environments defined in
this guide for the MSBP.
Maximum application log size
Member Server Default
Legacy Client
Enterprise Client
High Security Client
16,384 KB
16,384 KB
16,384 KB
16,384 KB
Maximum application log size
security setting specifies the maximum size of the application event
log, which has a maximum capacity of 4 gigabytes (GB), although this is not recommended because
of the risk of memory fragmentation leading to slow performance and unreliable event logging.
Requirements for the application log size vary depending on the function of the platform and the need
for historical records of application related events. The default value of 16,384 kilobytes (KB) is
enforced in all three environments.
Maximum security log size
Member Server Default
Legacy Client
Enterprise Client
High Security Client
16,384 KB
81,920 KB
81,920 KB
81,920 KB
Maximum security log size
security setting specifies the maximum size of the security event log,
which has a maximum capacity of 4 GB. Configuring the security log to at least 80 MB on domain
controllers and stand-alone servers should adequately store enough information to conduct audits.
Configuring this log for other systems to an adequate size is based on factors that include how
frequently the log will be reviewed, available disk space, and so on.
Maximum system log size
Member Server Default
Legacy Client
Enterprise Client
High Security Client
16,384 KB
16,384 KB
16,384 KB
16,384 KB
Maximum system log size
security setting specifies the maximum size of the application event log,
which has a maximum capacity of 4 GB-although this is not recommended because of the risk of
memory fragmentation leading to slow performance and unreliable event logging. Requirements for
the application log size vary depending on the function of the platform and the need for historical
records of application related events. The default value of 16,384 KB is enforced in all three
Prevent local guests group from accessing application log
Member Server Default
Legacy Client
Enterprise Client
High Security Client
Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled
Prevent local guests group from accessing application log
security setting determines whether
guests are prevented from accessing the application event log. By default in Windows Server 2003,
guest access is prohibited on all systems. Therefore, this setting has no real effect on default systems.
However, this is considered a defense-in-depth setting with no side effects.
This setting does not appear in the Local Computer Policy object.
Prevent local guests group from accessing security log
Member Server Default
Legacy Client
Enterprise Client
High Security Client