Increase scheduling priority
Member Server Default
Legacy Client
Enterprise Client
High Security Client
Administrators Not
Defined Not Defined
Increase scheduling priority
privilege allows a user to increase the base priority class of a
process. Increasing relative priority within a priority class is not a privileged operation. This privilege
is not required by administrative tools supplied with the operating system but might be required by
software development tools. A user with this privilege can increase the scheduling priority of a
process to
leaving little processing time for all other processes, which could lead to a DoS
condition. The default security groups for this user right are sufficient for the Legacy Client and
Enterprise Client environments. However, this user right is configured to enforce the default
group in the High Security environment.
Load and unload device drivers
Member Server Default
Legacy Client
Enterprise Client
High Security Client
Administrators Not
Defined Not Defined
Load and unload device drivers
privilege determines which users can dynamically load and
unload device drivers. This privilege is not required if a signed driver for the new hardware already
exists in the Driver.cab file on the computer. Device drivers run as highly privileged code. A user
granted the
Load and unload device drivers
privilege can unintentionally install malicious code
masquerading as a device driver. It is assumed that administrators will exercise greater care and
install only drivers with verified digital signatures. The default user groups for this right are sufficient
for the
Legacy Client
Enterprise Client
environments. However, this right is configured to enforce
the default
group in the High Security environment.
Lock pages in memory
Member Server Default
Legacy Client
Enterprise Client
High Security Client
Not Defined
Not Defined
Not Defined
Lock pages in memory
user right allows a process to keep data in physical memory, which
prevents the system from paging the data to virtual memory on disk. Enabling this user right can
result in significant degradation of system performance. Users with this privilege can assign physical
memory to several processes, leaving little or no random access memory (RAM) for other processes.
This could lead to a DoS condition. The default security groups for this user right are sufficient for the
Legacy Client and Enterprise Client environments. However, this user right is configured to enforce the
in the High Security environment.
Log on as a batch job
Member Server Default
Legacy Client
Enterprise Client
High Security Client
SUPPORT_388945a0 ,
Not Defined
Not Defined
Revoke all security
groups and accounts
Log on as a batch job
user right allows a user to log on by using a batch-queue facility such as
the Task Scheduler service. This is a low-risk vulnerability so the default settings for this user right are
sufficient for most organizations. The default security groups for this user right are sufficient for the
Legacy Client and Enterprise Client environments. However, this user right is configured to
Revoke all
security groups and accounts
in the High Security environment.