Disk
Drive
The
disk
drive
on
the
front
panel
of
the
receiver
section
is
available
for
reading
from
or
writing
to
a
1.44
MByte
,
3.5
inch
oppy
disk
in
or
format.
Note
Only
double-sided
disks
may
be
used.
The
following
tasks
may
be
performed
using
the
disk
drive:
ormat
a
disk.
Create
a
le
.
Dierentiate
between
the
dierent
types
of
les
when
cataloged.
Save
and
recall
instrument
setups
.
Save
and
recall
lists
of
signal
data,
including
frequency
and
peak,
quasi-peak,
and
average
amplitudes
.
Save
and
recall
limit
lines
.
Save
and
recall
amplitude
correction
factors
.
Save
and
recall
instrument
traces
.
Save
bitmap
les
(images)
of
display
graphics
.
Getting
Started
1-13